baltimore break room | washington, dc break room | Break room service provider

Frequently Asked Questions About Baltimore Breakrooms

We do our best to answer everything on our website, but the reality is everything is not in one place. So, we thought we’d take the time to sit down and answer some of our most frequently asked questions about Baltimore breakrooms. That way, everything you’re looking for is all in the same place. Let us know if we missed anything!

Can Baltimore breakrooms be customized?

Absolutely! In fact, none of our break rooms look alike, and they are each created and designed to fit your specific refreshment needs and space limitations. After your initial consultation, we even take it a step further and create a 3-D model to help you determine the best break room option for your space and needs.

Can we service multiple locations?

Whether you’re looking to set up a Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC breakroom, Connecticut office coffee service, Washington DC micro-market, or breakrooms in different cities, we can serve you. Click here to see our service area map.

What payment options do you offer?

We offer various payment options, including cash, major credit cards, E-pay, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and mobile payments. All mobile payments are touchless – ensuring reduced touchpoints in the breakroom.

baltimore break room | washington, dc break room | Break room service provider

What kind of technology do you use?

We use a proprietary technology called ServCycleTech. This technology allows us to track and monitor your refreshment stock levels at your Baltimore breakroom in real-time. Monitoring your stock levels gives us the insight to predict when your break room will need service. In turn, allowing us to make sure that our warehouse always has the snacks, meals, and beverages you’re used to in Baltimore breakrooms.

How often do products rotate?

Because of ServCycleTech products, we only stock your Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC micro-market with the number of products you’ll consume before your next service date.

How often is the site serviced?

Your break room will be serviced as much as it’s needed and as fast as you go through products. 

Are we allowed to subsidize our break room?

Yes, of course. If you would like to provide snacks, meals, and coffee/drinks at no charge to your employees, we can assist you with setting that up. 

Are there any specific space requirements?

No, we’re happy to work with you and provide refreshments for any size space you have. Large spaces have their advantages, but you’d be amazed at what we can do with a small space. 


Did we miss something? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us – we’re more than happy to answer any questions. Contact us at Legend Food Service or call us at 475-549-1045 today!

Washington, DC Vending Machines | Hartford Vending Machines | Baltimore Vending Machines

When and Where Washington, DC Vending Machines Come In Handy

Vending machines are an often underrated amenity. They’re convenient, affordable, and provide customers with refreshing beverages and snacks within seconds! And guess what? There are a wide variety of places and times when Washington, DC vending machines come in handy. Maybe you’re a business owner who’s considering adding a vending service to your Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC office break room. Or maybe you want to provide your customers with a great waiting room experience. Whatever your circumstances may be, keep reading below to learn where and when Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC vending machines can make all the difference.

Break Room Vending Machines
One of the most common places for vending machines is in a Washington, DC break room. Yes, there’s a reason for that! High-quality office vending services are essential to the well-being and happiness of employees in a workplace. Why? Because it gives office workers the option to eat onsite. Instead of having to rush during their lunch break, they’ll have what they need right at the office! This saves them time and often money as well. They’ll be grateful for the convenient food and beverage options. Therefore, employees will be more excited to visit your Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC office break room.
Tip: It’s a great idea to include both fresh food and grab-and-go options in your Washington, DC food vending machines. This gives people a greater variety of snacks and drinks to choose from!
Washington, DC Vending Machines | Hartford Vending Machines | Baltimore Vending Machines
Waiting Room Vending Machines
Do you own a business in which customers come to the Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC office or studio for a service? Perhaps you work at a car dealership, beauty salon, or doctor’s office. If so, then a vending machine might be able to take their experience to the next level. When customers are waiting in your office waiting room, they’ll be able to enjoy snacks and drinks before their appointment. With refreshments at the ready, no one will have to have a grumbling stomach while they wait. Therefore, they’ll be content and satisfied with their experience at your business. It’s a win-win!
Rest Stop Vending Machines
Is there anything worse than being on a long road trip with nothing to eat or drink? We think not! That’s why vending machines make a great addition to any Washington, DC rest stop. When drivers stop to stretch their legs, they can grab a snack on the go. This is necessary for people to stay energized and awake while on the road. Whether they opt for an energy-boosting beverage or a healthy grab-and-go snack, they will have what they need to keep driving the long hours ahead.
In the Lobby
What better way to invite people into your place of business than by having Washington, DC vending machines in place? It will ease their stomachs when their hunger hits in the middle of a visit. Not only that, but it elevates the customer experience. Those who visit the lobby of your businesses will feel welcomed and included in your community.
Looking for the best Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC break room and vending machine solutions? Contact us at Legend Food Service or call us at 475-549-1045 today!
Office Coffee Service | Coffee Service in Hartford | Hartford Single-cup Coffee Service

What is Single-cup Coffee Service in Hartford, CT?

Today’s office coffee looks a little different than how it’s looked historically. In today’s office, it’s all about delicious café quality coffee drinks and fresh, local coffee. Because of this, many offices are choosing to use a single-cup coffee service. Let’s see what sets this service apart from traditional coffee service!

Single-Cup Coffee in Hartford, CT Ensures Fresh Coffee

When we think of office coffee, we envision a huge pot of coffee brewed at the beginning of the day. That same pot of coffee sits around all day waiting to be used. A not-so-fresh visual comes to mind when we describe this. But, with single-cup coffee service in Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC, you can expect the opposite. These brewers give your employees the ability to make a fresh individual-sized cup of coffee when they want it—ensuring a fresh cup of coffee for every person in the office. 

Office Coffee Service | Coffee Service in Hartford | Hartford Single-cup Coffee Service

Specialty Drink Options

Of course, you can still brew your favorite traditional cup of coffee. But, with single-cup brewing, you can create so many different coffee options. You can make everything from cappuccinos to lattes to espressos. Not only that, but you can also customize the brew strength or the temperature of the milk. The customization options are endless. The best part is that each employee can create their own specific cup of coffee that they like—making this the perfect choice for Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC offices with employees who have varying preferences. 

Reduced Touchpoints

Single-cup brewers are built in a way that requires a less hands-on approach. Most of our brewers allow your employees to order coffee straight from their phones, even further reducing the touchpoints in the break room. Our touchless brewers are the perfect addition to the touchless kiosk in your Hartford, CT micro-market.

Are you ready to enjoy all the benefits of a Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC  single-cup coffee service? Contact us today at Legend Food Service or give us a call at 475-549-1045 to upgrade your company’s break room solutions today!

Baltimore Snacks | Refreshing Drinks | Office Pantry Service | Healthy Options

Why Employees Will Love a Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC Office Pantry Service

If there’s one employee benefit that everyone can appreciate, it’s an office pantry service. Who doesn’t love snacks, right? Therefore, you might want to think about upgrading your Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC  break room with a pantry service today!
high-quality pantry service does not only give workers the fuel they need to stay energized throughout the workday. Additionally, the added company perk can improve office morale, encourage positive work culture, and increase productivity. It’s true that a well-stocked break room can go a long way.
Below, we’re sharing a few of the top reasons why every employee will love a Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC  pantry service.

Pantry Service Boosts Office Morale

Yes, a better Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC  break room really does have the power to improve overall company morale! How? First of all, a break room with a great pantry service gives people a place to relax. Therefore, workers will be grateful to have an area where they can re-energize during the busy workday. This combined with the tasty food and drinks they love will enhance the overall workplace culture.

Additionally, a pantry service will entice your employees to stay onsite during their breaks. This is a great way to promote collaboration between employees. It creates a space for employees to discuss ideas and projects with members of different departments. This can lead to new ideas, a positive and uplifting office environment, and motivated employees.

Leads to Higher Retention Rates

When people feel taken care of at the office, they’re more likely to be loyal to the company. Therefore, adding an office pantry service to your Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC  break room is a great employee retention tool. Having free snacks for everyone at work is a simple way to keep employees excited and feeling appreciated. In addition, this added benefit is just another way to recruit even more talented potential employees. It’s a win-win for everyone!

Baltimore Employee Satisfaction | Office Pantry Service | Workplace Refreshment Solutions | Promote Productivity
Fosters Learning and Positive Attitudes

Simply put, good food and coffee put people in a good mood! That’s why an office pantry service is an excellent way to lift everyone’s spirits on a daily basis. Additionally, eating a balanced diet naturally improves people’s moods. So, work with us to build your Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC wellness program in your pantry services today!
Casual snack breaks with a manager are a stress-free way to connect and educate. In turn, people will be excited about the value of their work. To conclude, a pantry service will foster development and positive attitudes at work.

Improves Productivity

Workers need to stay alert and focused throughout the day. Taking short breaks throughout the day is necessary for productivity. Therefore, a pantry service gives workers a reason to stretch their legs for a few minutes throughout the day. So, upgrade your Baltimore vending service with our pantry service today. Both your company and employees will benefit from it!

Partner With Us for Office Pantry Service!

Are you ready to gain all the benefits of a Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC  office pantry service? Contact us today at Legend Food Service or give us a call at 475-549-1045 to upgrade your company’s break room solutions today!
NAMA 2021 | Vending Service | Micro-Market

NAMA Show 2021

NAMA Show 2021 was much different than years past but joining NAMA 2021 was invaluable. Collaborating and learning with our peers was incredible. If there’s one clear takeaway from the conference, the vending and refreshment industry has changed and will continue to change. But, through those changes, we’re finding better ways to serve you and your Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC break rooms.


Technology Remains Critical

We invest in technology because of how it impacts your experience in Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC break rooms. Technology streamlines everything, whether it’s keeping your micro-markets stocked or ensuring we never run out of your favorite products at our warehouse. However, in the last two years, we’ve seen that touchless technology is one of the most critical technologies we can invest in. NAMA 2021 reinforced that sentiment, and we’re happy to continue providing a touchless break room experience.

NAMA 2021 | Vending Service | Micro-Market

Fresh Food Wins

NAMA 2021 highlighted how vital fresh food has become to our industry. Today’s employees are putting their health first and consuming healthy food, snacks, and meals. With our latest acquisition, we acquired a commissary that provides excellent fresh food. So, we are more than thrilled to offer healthy and fresh meals through our Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC catering services.

Be Ready to Pivot 

If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that everything is constantly changing. And, the break room industry is no different. It’s been our mission to stay flexible and fluid so that we can provide you with solutions when you need them. We will continue to provide custom and flexible Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC office coffee, vending, and micro-market solutions.


To learn more about our break room services, visit Legend Food Service or call 475-549-1045 today!

Baltimore, Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC Promote Productivity | Health and Wellness | Vending Service | Break Room Solutions

How a Washington, DC Health and Wellness Program is Beneficial

When it comes to health and wellness, no one doubts that positive lifestyle choices result in lower health risks. Yet, many businesses don’t realize the impact a Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC corporate wellness program can have on their company. These programs can positively influence their employees, workplace culture, and bottom line.

Research shows that health and wellness programs do encourage healthy behaviors. Additionally, they help employees create lasting healthy habits. What’s more, you can easily incorporate these programs into your Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC break room services. Or even start them together to encourage healthy eating!

Here are three perks you can expect to see with a Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, corporate wellness initiative.

Employees Know You Care About Their Health and Wellness

Providing a Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC health and wellness program shows your employees that you care about their wellbeing. By doing this, you encourage positive lifestyle choices and employees experience fewer health issues.

Additionally, employees involved in corporate wellness programs tend to opt for healthier food choices. Help them succeed with fresh food options in your Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC micro-market. Having better-for-you options in the break room is the ultimate convenience to staying on track!

Productivity Levels Increase

Another Baltimore, Hartford and Washington, DC corporate wellness program benefit includes its impact on employee productivity. See, when an employee doesn’t feel well, it results in more sick days. Therefore, having healthier employees leads to fewer days of work missed due to illness! So, the productivity increase alone makes it worth it to add a healthy vending machine in your Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC break room.

Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC Company Culture | Healthy Options | Health and Wellness | Employee Satisfaction
Another fun idea is to create group activities such as lunchtime yoga or an after-work walking club. What’s more, these actives are a great way to create excitement to drink plenty of water! Be sure to incorporate a Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC water filtration service in with your refreshment service. That way, your employees can stay hydrated and focused all day long!

Workplace Satisfaction and Morale Boost

Health and wellness programs add a lot to your employee benefits package. They can also have a huge influence on their workplace satisfaction. These programs show employees that you consider them part of the team and want them to remain happy and healthy. After a time, it not only influences your employee satisfaction rate, it changes your workplace culture. Employees feel appreciated and cared for and, in turn, work hard and remain loyal.

A Health and Wellness Program = A Win-Win for Everybody

To learn more about building a health and wellness program in your refreshment services, visit Legend Food Service or call 475-549-1045 today!
break room technology | Baltimore vending machine | Washington DC vending service | Hartford Mircro-Market

Baltimore Break Room Technology

Technology has always been a critical part of our business. It has completely changed the way we run our business. And, the way you experience the break room is significantly impacted by that same technology. Let’s dive in and learn about our modern break room technology and how it upgrades your break room experience.

break room technology | Baltimore vending machine | Washington DC vending service | Hartford Mircro-MarketWhat break room technology have we invested in?

Meet ServCycleTech- our proprietary break room technology. It’s a combination of several software platforms, all communicating in real-time. This allows us to track every level of the service cycle. Our sales tracking technology tells us exactly what your location is stocked with and when it’s purchased. So, we know when your stock levels start to get low, which triggers a service date. Then, we stock our trucks with the exact product your account needs for the next day from those forecasted stocking levels. The same thing happens with our warehouse stock. We are alerted when our product levels are low, ensuring we never run out of your Washington, DC break room favorites.

Along with this property technology, we use modern, state-of-the-art equipment and kiosks for an upgraded experience.

break room technology | Baltimore vending machine | Washington DC vending service | Hartford Mircro-Market

How does technology impact your experience?

Our employees have more time to interact with you because they spend less time checking stocking levels and figuring out what snacks, food, and beverages are needed. When they arrive, they already know what you break room needs to be stocked with. So, they can spend time communicating with you and ensuring your Baltimore break room is clean.

Whether you’re using our Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC vending service or micro-markets, you’ll have access to a touchless break room experience. Our vending machines, coolers, and kiosks are technologically advanced and equipped to handle mobile payments.

You’ll also enjoy stock levels that never dip as well as having access to our data. This data will tell you what items are selling and which items are not selling, allowing you to decide whether or not you want to keep stocking an item. Whether it’s a Hartford office coffee service or pantry service, your break room will always be stocked with your favorite refreshments.

Are you looking to improve your workplace with modern break room technology? Contact our team at Legend Food or call us at 475-549-1045 today!

Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC Break Room | Workplace Refreshment Solutions | We Inspire

4 Reasons to Display Your Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC Company Logo in the Break Room

When it comes to building a loyal workforce in Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC, it’s the smallest details that can make a big difference. This trickles all the way down to the quality of your break room solutions. Creating an effective break room is about more than just the snacks in the vending machines. It’s also about presenting employees with an inviting environment. That’s why it’s important to display your company’s logo throughout the various employee accommodation areas in your office. Developing a powerful sense of brand identity at work will help bring your company’s vision to life outside of the workplace as well.
How can displaying the company logo in your Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC office break room really make a difference? Keep reading below to find out.

Promotes a Positive Workplace Culture

Creating company loyalty and a positive workplace culture is essential to building a happy and successful business. So, putting the company logo up in an area where employees go to relax and mingle with co-workers can help them feel more personally connected to the brand. Additionally, promoting your brand identity in your Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC micro-market can be a key factor in fostering development and positive attitudes. Therefore, it promotes company loyalty and overall satisfied employees.

Builds Inclusive Break Room for Employees

Another part of developing a positive workplace environment is making sure every employee feels important and valued. Displaying the company logo on your Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC vending machines is a simple yet effective way to do this. It reminds employees that everyone is welcome at the office and they’re supported throughout their workdays. Each time they go to get themselves a quick bite to eat or drink, they will be reminded of the company that supports their needs.
Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC Vending | State-of-the-Art Vending Equipment | Company Culture | Break Room

Enhances Break Room Aesthetic

Employees appreciate a workplace that’s modern, sharp, and on-trend. It’s these details that help make employees feel excited about going into the office each day. Working the company logo into the decor of the break room can enhance the overall look and feel. This makes the area more attractive and welcoming to employees and office guests. Upgrade your Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC break room with branded vending machines with us today!

Reinforces Brand Identity

Having a strong brand identity allows your company to show the world and your employees what your business is all about. Therefore, it is valuable to increase visibility and awareness by displaying the logo in your Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC break rooms. It reinforces the company brand and its core values. Not to mention, it will help employees to further believe in and embrace the company’s mission.
Overall, putting the company logo on display in the break room can be beneficial in more ways than one. It promotes a healthy workplace culture, provides a welcoming space for employees, modernizes the office, and builds a meaningful brand identity from the inside out.
Are you looking to improve your workplace with high-quality break room solutions? Contact our team at Legend Food or call us at 475-549-1045 today!
Northern Virginia Catering | Virginia Catering | Local Catering in Northern Virginia

Baltimore Catering Service

Throwing an event or lunch requires so much work. Seating arrangements, programming, and then there’s the food. Do you have enough for your headcount? Is the food going to be fresh if you get it beforehand? Did you account for everyone’s food allergies? The things to plan for when it comes to catering are endless. That’s where we come in! Our Baltimore catering service will help relieve some of the stress of hosting a meeting, lunch, or event.

Fresh, Healthy & Trendy Options

Our catering service is made in-house by our excellent culinary team. This means you can always count on your Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC catering meals to be super fresh. Just imagine how much your guests will love the fresh meals you serve at your next event. Working with our in-house culinary team also gives you the ability to offer healthy meals. Whether you want to provide nutritious meals or light snacks, we can provide them. We also pride ourselves on being able to offer today’s latest trendy food and snack options. So, if there’s a food trend you’ve been dying to try, let us know, and we’d be happy to make it happen.

Northern Virginia Catering | Virginia Catering | Local Catering in Northern Virginia

Customizable Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC Catering Service

We are not a one size fits all catering service. We believe that everyone’s needs are different. So, we will work closely with you to understand you and your specific Baltimore catering service needs. This close relationship allows us to provide a truly customized catering experience. You’ll get exactly what you want for your next meal and nothing else.

We’re also happy to be flexible on the size of your Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC catering orders. – we can provide catering for all sorts of event sizes. Whether you choose to offer coffee and light breakfast for your monthly office meetings or a full lunch for a corporate trade show, or trendy snacks at morale-boosting team events – we’ll make it happen.

Northern Virginia Vending Service | Northern Virginia Catering | Virginia Catering | Local Catering in Northern Virginia

Looking to feed your employees on a more consistent basis? Check out our Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC micro-market service and vending service!

Whether you’re looking to take the stress out of your next event or looking for a long-term refreshment option in Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC, we’re happy to help you! Fill out our contact form or give us a call at 475-549-1045 now to find out more!

Connecticut Hydrated Employees | Health and Wellness | Positive Lifestyle Choices | Promote Productivity

Beat the Heat and Keep Your Washington, DC Employees Hydrated

When the heat of summer kicks in full gear, keeping your Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC employees hydrated should be a priority. Yet, they might need some encouragement when they spend 8 hours a day in the office. Maintaining a healthy level of water intake is crucial to their productivity.

Stay ahead of the curve and work to find ways to increase fluid intake. Simply providing a Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC water filtration service can boost office morale and add to corporate wellness goals.

Make it Easy

Out of sight, out of mind. Having water easily accessible to your employees is a great reminder to stay hydrated. Consider adding a mix of hydrating products to your Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC micro-market program. Your employees will be reminded every time they walk into the break room to get a refreshing beverage.

Add Some Variety

While employees love water, sometimes they need a little more flavor. Add some variety to your Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC break room by providing fresh fruits and flavored water options. Fresh fruits are made up of mostly water. Instead of having to drink it, snacking is also a great option to stay hydrated! Employees can also use these healthy additions to make personalized fruit-infused water to wet their whistle.

Healthy Hydration

Staying hydrated increases energy and concentration levels. Increase water intake by giving your employees a durable, reusable water bottle. Brand it with the company logo to make it even more enticing! Encouraging employees to stay hydrated throughout the day will show that your company cares about their overall health and wellness. Giving them a reusable water bottle is also a fun way to reduce your company’s footprint.
Connecticut Vending | Hydrated Employees | Micro-Market Service | Water Service

Hydration Competitions

Everyone loves a little healthy office competition. Use that to your advantage by having a hydration competition. Encourage employees to drink water while they’re on breaks. You can even make a hydration station where they track how much water they consume during office hours. After a week or a month, see who’s drank the most and reward them with something fun! This will increase employee satisfaction and create a positive workplace culture.

Keep Beverages Interesting

There are other ways to consume water that might pique your employee’s interest. Consider keeping a variety of sparkling water in your Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC beverage vending machines. Sparking water remains just as hydrating as regular water. It simply adds some flavor, carbonation, and sometimes even a little sweetness into the mix. Sometimes carbonated water will kick the mid-day soda cravings. By offering different options, you can quench everyone’s thirst!

Want to Add Water Service to Your Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC Break Room?

If you want to meet employees’ hydration needs in your Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC offices, visit Legend Food Service. Our break room service professionals help you maximize your corporate wellness goals with any of our refreshment services. Reach out today and grow your employee benefits! Call 475-549-1045 now to find out more!