Baltimore Healthy Habits Vending | Micro-Market | Pantry Service

Start the New Year with These 3 Healthy Habits Ideal for Baltimore Workers

It’s a New Year! This offers a fresh opportunity for Baltimore employees to achieve their health and wellness goals. Show your staff you care about their goals by promoting healthy habits in the workplace. Here are three healthy habits you can bring to your company:

Healthy Habit 1: A Nutritious Diet

Consuming healthy foods and beverages is important for good health. How can you help? Bring healthy refreshments to your break room!

A Baltimore micro-market may be the perfect solution. This break room service can offer a great variety of healthy food, snacks, and beverages. You can even create a unique menu that ensures employee satisfaction. We source food from a local commissary. That means fresh and nutritious ingredients.

A micro-market is an open market. That means employees can check the ingredients on products before making a purchase. Offering healthy refreshments can help employees make better food choices on busy, hectic days.

Did you know that a healthy diet also improves productivity? Nutritious snacks can help keep employees healthy. That means fewer sick days. Plus, good nutrition helps people stay alert and mentally sharp.

Baltimore Office Coffee | Healthy Habits Beverages | Water Filtration Service

Healthy Habit 2: Get Exercise

Getting enough exercise is important. On busy days, it’s easy to skip out. How can you help? Encourage staff to take walking meetings. Also, consider starting an office sports team or exercise club. Whether your staff like yoga, jogging, or soccer, doing it as a group can boost participation.

It can also help to raise awareness about the benefits of exercise. Exercise can improve mental agility. It promotes better sleep quality and enhances health overall. What’s more, exercise is important for maintaining a healthy weight.

With all that exercise, your staff will need to drink lots of water. Make sure your team stays hydrated with our Baltimore water service. A water filter system can improve the taste of water. Plus, it’s an eco-friendly solution because staff can use their own reusable water bottles.

Healthy Habit 3: Rest Your Brain

Getting enough rest is more than just getting a good night’s sleep. While it’s important to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night, rest also means giving your brain a break. That’s right! Strategic brain breaks are important for your health. More importantly, brain breaks can boost your staff’s performance.

Everyone knows what it’s like to struggle to focus. However, did you know that it’s more productive to take a break than it is to power through? A short walk can help your mind reset. Meditation is another great option. Did you know? Meditation can improve concentration and memory. Plus, it can boost self-awareness!

You can help make meditation possible in your Baltimore break room! Consider scheduling short guided meditations once a week. Or, simply create quiet spaces in the break room so your team can meditate or do breathwork whenever they’d like.

Are you ready to bring healthy habits to your Baltimore, Harford, CT, and Washington DC office? Get in touch with Legend Food Service at 410-761-1177 to make health a priority in your break room.

Washington DC Dark Chocolate | Vending Snacks | Micro-Market

The Benefits of Dark Chocolate in Washington DC Break Rooms

You know what they say, the best things in life are…sweet! And that includes your Washington DC break room. A great way to upgrade your office pantry service is by providing satisfying treats to employees. One of the best options? Dark chocolate! It offers many benefits, such as adding variety to the snack options in your break room. In fact, it even has some potential health benefits.

If you’re ready to sweeten up your office space, we’re here to help. Legend Food Service will work with you to customize break room options that fit your needs. We offer everything from Washinton DC vending services and micro-markets to healthy food and beverages. And of course, sweet snacks!

Keep reading to find out the benefits of dark chocolate in your Washington DC break room.

Boost morale in the break room with dark chocolate

You simply can’t be in a bad mood when snacking on a bite of something delicious and sweet. Therefore, adding dark chocolate to the break room is a simple yet effective way to boost morale. For instance, including the dark version of an employee’s favorite candy is a great way to add this healthy treat to their diet. You can also consider adding dark chocolate chips to trail mix or opting for dark chocolate-flavored protein bars for healthy alternatives. As a result, this gives employees more options in the break room. They’re going to love you for it!

Washington DC Break Room Services | Dark Chocolate Coffee | Office Pantry

Dark chocolate offers unique health benefits

Yes, it’s true! Did you know that dark chocolate is more than just a satisfying treat? In fact, it is actually a good source of minerals and antioxidants. Some other health benefits include possibly reducing heart disease and improving brain function. As you can see, it is a break room must-have!

A great addition to other break room services

While eating dark chocolate is great on its own, adding it to other break room services can enhance the sweet snack even further. For example, it pairs well with coffee, making it a nice boost to your Washington DC office coffee service. Not to mention, it’s a great afternoon pick-me-up to enjoy after lunch or with a beverage from your office micro-market coolers.

Give your team something sweet!

Ready to upgrade your Baltimore, Harford, CT, and Washington DC break room with delicious snacks and beverages? Let’s chat! Treat your hardworking team with their favorite foods, snacks, and drinks. Contact Legend Food Service at 410-761-1177 or We look forward to working with you!

Office Coffee Service Baltimore | Break Room Snacks | Employee Wellness

Quality Office Coffee Services for Baltimore Break Rooms

Are you a Baltimore business owner? If so, have you ever considered an office coffee service?

Today’s traditional office coffee service is essential for busy Baltimore break rooms. That’s because this service provide flavorful coffee all day long. It’s perfect for workplaces with high coffee consumption needs!

Are you curious about traditional office coffee service?  Keep reading  to learn more about this Baltimore refreshment solution.

What is a Baltimore Office Coffee Service?

A traditional coffee service is the perfect solution for teams that drink tons of coffee. There’s always enough coffee to go around. Employees will enjoy endless refills all day long. That’s why a Baltimore coffee service is a major must-have!

Between meetings, employees can head to the break room for fresh coffee. While they’re there, they can also grab some snacks! Coffee pairs perfectly with cinnamon buns.

Baltimore office coffee beverages aren’t possible without a great brewer. Luckily, Legend Food Service offers many quality brewers! For example, we carry Flavia and Keurig brewers. These brewers are easy to use. They’re also easy to maintain. This makes them essential for the break room!

Traditional Coffee Services Benefits

Baltimore Coffee Brewers | Complimentary Food | Staff Perk

Baltimore office coffee solutions will enhance your break room. That’s because they offer many benefits. Firstly, this service provides your team with plenty of coffee. As a result, employees can drink coffee all day long. This will entice them into the break room.

Furthermore, the brewers are easy to use. Even a novice can make great coffee in minutes! You can even preset your preferences in advance. This is super convenient. Employees won’t have to wait.

Lastly, our brewers are low maintenance. This will save you time and money!

Great for Both Baltimore Businesses and Employees

Both employees and businesses will benefit from Baltimore coffee services. Your crew can enjoy on-site quality coffee. This will save them a trip to the local café. After all, it’s a hassle to leave the office!

Moreover, employees can save money. Complimentary coffee is a fantastic employee perk. Office coffee is a great addition to your Baltimore office pantry. It shows your staff you care. As a result, employee satisfaction can skyrocket as can retention rates!

Additionally, a Baltimore office coffee service will increase productivity levels.  That’s because caffeinated coffee is a natural energy booster. For this reason, your staff will feel more motivated. Even sleepy employees will have more energy  after having a cup of joe!

As you can see, an office coffee service will enhance your Baltimore break room. It provides your team with delicious drinks. Furthermore, the brewers are easy to use. Coffee can also boost productivity. Therefore, your team can work harder. It’s a winning situation all around!

Quality Office Coffee Services for Baltimore Businesses

Do you want to better your break room with office coffee? If so, contact Legend Food Services at today. We’ll help you find the best break room solutions for your needs. We also offer Baltimore, Harford, CT, or Washington DC food vending services. We have everything you need to make your break room unforgettable!