3 Reasons You Should Consider a Washington, DC Micro-market

A Washington, DC micro-market can completely change an office. So, business owners have begun to use them more frequently, but how and why? Keep reading, and we’ll discuss the top 3 reasons people choose this incredible break room options.

Washington, DC micro-markets will change your office for the better!

As offices return to in-person, they notice a shift in office morale. Employees feel nervous and unsure of what’s to come or what’s safe. They have also spent considerable time apart, so their working bonds and friendships are no longer the same. That’s where Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC micro-markets come in. They provide a space for employees to spend time together and rekindle the morale they once had. It also gives employees the comforts they once enjoyed while working from home, like fresh coffee, yummy snacks, and so much more.

Employers who install micro-markets also see a boost in office productivity. For starters, employees no longer head off-site for their coffee fix or lunch. They have everything they need on-site with a micro-market and Washington, DC office coffee service. You’ll never have to worry about employees coming in late or returning from their break. Thus, increasing their productivity.

Productivity is also boosted when employees have frequent breaks throughout the day. Unline Washington, DC vending machines, a stocked micro-market, creates an environment that encourages employees to hang out and take the breaks they need.

Employee Benefits, Micro-Market, Washington DC break room, Hartford CT Micro-market, Office Morale

We take care of all the work.

The best part of a Washington, DC micro-market is that they are no hassle to you. From beginning to end, we take care of every aspect of it. Before installing your break room, we will take care of all the ordering of equipment, equipment installation, and break room build-out. Once your break room is installed, we also take care of everything! That includes managing the Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC break room to ensure it’s cleaned, stocked, and properly maintained. And, with our remote monitoring technology, we’ll be able to make sure that all of your equipment is always working correctly.

They are at no cost to you.

Most importantly, installing micro-markets will cost you absolutely nothing. While you can certainly give your employees a stipend if you choose, micro-markets are employee-paid. Employees appreciate not going off-site for their snacks, Baltimore, Hartford, and Washington, DC beverages, and healthy meals.

Are you ready to get set up a micro-market for your office? Let’s chat! Our experienced team will help you choose the perfect services for your office. To learn more, contact us at Legend Food Service or call us at 475-549-1045 today! We look forward to hearing from you soon!